Saturday, January 29, 2011


Three days and counting, I'm preparing for my departure to Manila, the Philippines on Tuesday, February 1, an extended visit with one of my dearest lifelong friends. I'll be trekking on my own to Manila, recovering from jet lag for a few days under the influence of sleeping pills and the warm hospitality of Dear Friend And Husb, and then we travel together, the 3 of us, to India! Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, and overland through Tamil Nadu, the southernmost province. Then back to Manila and more exploring. I expect I will very shortly be on sensory overload!
Meanwhile, Dave is keeping the home fires burning, and planning his own exciting expedition to . . . Oklahoma City!. . . for work. But I'm going with his blessing, and the promise to enjoy my lengthy flights for the both of us. And thus freed from spousal guilt, I am setting about my packing!

So, I'm hoping this will give me a handy way to catch and record some of my impressions, and to keep in touch with you all while I am so far from home.


  1. Very neat, Barbara. I've used blogspot for years so I know you can post pictures and links easily. Have a great time !

  2. Hi Mom! I had a riding lesson today and Helen showed me how to do halfpass! Badger is a real dressage horse!
